Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our amazing honeymoon!!

Last time on the beach!

The Faubacher Family!!

Our favorite bar tender, Jose Angel

Playing bingo with all of the friends we met! And Yuli and Miguel!

Paul swimming in the pool!

Our First Night Out!

Our View from Our Room!

Paul and I chose to go to Playa Mujeres in Mexico for our honeymoon. We stayed at the The Excellence Resort. This place was recommended to Paul and I by my brother, Timmy, and sister-in-law,Rachel, who have been to the resort twice. We had the best time. It was so nice to relax after the big rush of the wedding. We loved that it was all inclusive!! We definitely took advantage of that. We met a ton of fun couples that had gotten married on the same day that we did. We also saw a friend from our high school (small world huh?). One of the most entertaining parts of the honeymoon was a family that we met. We had a blast playing water volleyball, beach volleyball, and all the other activities with them! Paul and I are already making plans to go back to Mexico to celebrate our first anniversary in October! Here are a few of the pictures from our honeymoon. Paul spoiled me with a two story ocean view room. It was absolutely gorgeous!! We even had a private pool on our rooftop!

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